16TH NOV – 22ND NOV 2023



The Alliance Française de Bhopal has the pleasure of welcoming the 2023 edition of #NovembreNumérique !

🌐 Organised all around the world thanks to the French Institute network and its partners, Novembre Numérique aims to encourage access to all new technologies by promoting the extraordinary diversity of French digital creation.

November Digital 2023, in its 7th year, delves into the forms, practices, uses, and intricate challenges of digital technology, beckoning participation from the audience every corner of the world.

From 16th to 22nd November, come to the Alliance Française de Bhopal and discover :

The Augmented Reality Exhibition “Midi Minuit”

The French digital event “Midi Minuit” is an augmented reality exhibition. Discover eleven works using an augmented reality application on your smartphone! An original way to experience modern art & technology!

Open ceremony on 16th Nov at 6.30 PM

“Escape”, an interactive exhibition at the heart of Digital Culture

Dive deep into the evolution of the internet, big data, cyber-surveillance, and the pervasive digital environment. The exhibition is an ode to the pioneers, the artists, the cyberactivists, and all visionaries who foresaw digital disruptions. Escape urges the audience to momentarily step back, critically examine the digital realm, and re-establish the connection with our tangible, organic surroundings.

“VR Selection 2023”, an Odyssey of Immersive Experiences

This selection showcases over thirty virtual reality pieces, categorized under Fiction, Documentary, Arts, and Heritage. From the tranquility of lush gardens to the artistic ambiance of painter’s studios, the VR journey allows audiences to transcend time and space. With 360° vision headsets, viewers are teleported into narratives, stories, and arts, blurring the lines between virtual and real, narrative and interactive. This sensory immersion guarantees a once-in-a-lifetime, invigorating experience.