For the second year, Alliance Française de Bhopal is happy to collaborate with Cinema Jamaat to make the Environmental Film Festival existing in Bhopal!
The All Living Things Environmental Film Festival (ALT EFF), established in 2020, is a national celebration of films documenting climate actions in India. This initiative includes an online platform “pay-as-you-feel” as well as events and screenings across the country during the festival. On December 7th, 2024, we will celebrate the festival by screening four different movies with Cinema Jamaat. We invite you to check below for the event details!
In search of Kasturi
Neha Dixit, Roundglass Sustain
2023 | 22 minutes | India
4 PM

Hunted nearly to extinction by human greed, this mystical creature, the Himalayan musk deer is fast disappearing. Filmmaker Neha Dixit, who has made her home in Uttarakhand, and her team set out to find this elusive creature. Navigating the stunning and challenging landscape of the Indian Himalayas, the film embarks on a journey filled with curiosity and longing to uncover the secrets of these mountains. Their ultimate encounter with the Himalayan musk deer becomes a poignant reminder of the beauty and fragility of our natural world and the urgent need to protect it.
Last days of summer
Stenzin Tankong
2023 | 15 minutes | India, France
4:25 PM

Last Days of Summer by Stenzin Tankong takes place in the remote Himalayan mountains, where two young shepherds repeatedly hear a mysterious and unsettling sound that no one else in their village can hear. Despite their attempts to warn the villagers of its eerie nature, their concerns are dismissed. Determined to uncover the truth, the two friends embark on a courageous journey into the vast unknown. As they venture deeper into the mountains, they confront the enigma of the sound, unravelling a mystery that tests their bravery and curiosity.
The Ngamees (Fisherfolks) of the Last Wetlands
Meena Longjam
2023 | 15 minutes | India
4:45 PM

The Ngamees (Fisherfolks) of the Last Wetlands, directed by Meena Longjam, delves into the poignant story of the Ngamee fishing community in Manipur, India. This 15-minute documentary unveils the untold struggles of these fishermen as they face mounting threats to their traditional livelihood. Loktak Lake, their vital habitat, is increasingly endangered by ecological degradation, pollution, and climate change. Through their stories, the film explores the deep connection between the Ngamees and their environment, highlighting the urgent need to protect both their cultural heritage and the fragile ecosystem they depend on.
Iqbal Hussain
2023 | 25 minutes | India
5:00 PM

Submerged follows the lives of residents from four villages in Madhya Pradesh—Nayapura, Gowadi, Narsinghpura, and Kotmir—who were displaced in 2007 when their homes were submerged by the Omkareshwar Dam. Forced to return during the COVID-19 pandemic, they face dire conditions due to the dissolved panchayat and lack of job cards, which prevents them from accessing employment under MGNREGA.
For 25 years, these villagers have been denied their entitled rights and government benefits, leading many to migrate to nearby cities for construction work. Their fertile lands have increasingly submerged, destroying crops and leaving them unable to use resettlement lands offered by the government, which are arid and far from their original homes.
ALT EFF will be followed by the screening of
François-Xavier Destoirs & Alfonso Pinto
We thank ELDA productions & Ginko Film to support this screening
2024 | 78 minutes | France, Italy
6:30 PM
In presence of the filmmaker Alfonso Pinto: screening followed by a Q&A session.
“Better to die of cancer than of hunger,” are words you may well hear on Priolo beach in Sicily. In the shadows of the lovely city of Syracuse lies one of Europe’s largest petrochemical complexes. 70 years after the arrival of the first refineries, the area seems to have been abandoned to its fate as poison taints the sky, water and land. Woven around fragments supplied by residents who resist, are resigned or choose to look the other way, the film Toxic Sicily sets out to tell the tale of a place sacrificed on the altar of progress, modernity and globalisation.
Alfonso Pinto
Alfonso Pinto is a geographer and researcher. After a course of studies in cinema and visual cultures and later in history and geography, in 2016 he defended a doctoral thesis at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (France) on urban imaginaries in disaster cinema. From 2018 to 2022, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the École Urbaine de Lyon directing the images hub. His research invests the field of relations between human and social sciences and audiovisual practices and the topic of environmental and industrial catastrophes. He is the author of numerous scientific and popular publications and in 2021 he published the essay The Lighter of the Anthropocene. A brief history of industrial disaster. The film Toxicily is his first film experience.